Monday, February 1, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 1st

FOR TODAY... Annette's Daybook

Outside my window...overcast with a beautiful breeze blowing which should keep the temps down
I am thinking...I can't believe that it is February already
I am thankful for... wonderful friends
I am wearing...bright pink top with short sleeves and comfy shorts
I am remembering...the beautiful day that my girlfriend and I had yesterday
I am going... to be home most of the week
I am currently reading...Israel, My Beloved - Kay Arthur
I am hoping... to feel less tired tomorrow
On my mind... what does the Lord want me to do
Wishing that...I had a sense of smell so I can smell the wafting cooking odours coming from the kitchen
I am praying that....... as a family we can get through the next 10 weeks which is going to be extremely difficult and I will have to trust God with absolutely everying.
Pondering these words... "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him..." Job 13:15
From the kitchen... Vegerarian gluten Roast cooling
Around the house...need to do the ironing
I am creating......a cross stitch called Five Snowmen
One of my favorite things~ listening to the ocean while stitching. There is something so soothing about hearing the waves crashing on the shore

From my picture journal...
To find out more about The Simple Woman's Daybook and read more entries please visit Peggy's.

1 comment:

One More Equals Four said...

Hope you have a wonderful day, kind of wish I could smell through the computer to smell that meal. I have toyed with a vegetarian diet...haven't followed through, though!

I must admit to being a bit jealous of the short sleeves and shorts. I sure would prefer that to slush and cold. However a weekend of being snowed in was just what the doctor ordered!