Last night on ABC's "Australian Story" there was a story about a beautiful girl who took her own life. You can click on the link above and read her story. It was such a sad story and made me cry and cry.
It took me back to the time when my DD (in the picture) was a teenager at high school and she came to me and talked about suicide. I didn't know how to handle it at all and it really scared me. I took her to the Drs. who then referred her to a Counciller.
Thankfully we got through it and she is now graduating from University at the end of this year as a Primary Teacher with Honours.
I felt the pain of the mother on Australian Story and how hard it must be for them to lose someone who was so full of life who had her whole life ahead of her.
I only had a visit from my DD last night and it was wonderful seeing her and talking things over with her, her dreams and what she wants to do. She and her partner are heading out to Peru next year and they will be gone for 3 years so each moment spent with her is a precious
memory to hold and cherish. I am so proud of the way she has turned out - so caring of others and the passion she has for teaching young children. Darling I love you so much.
Though it must be difficult knowing your daughter will be so far away for three years, you should take comfort in the fact that your parenting has helped give her the confidence and courage to tackle such an adventure ... I hope you will have the occasional or even annual visit to bolster your spirits.
You are such a blessed lady :) Your daughter sounds like a wonderful young woman, and very confident..I am so in awe of her independence. In the US, we have a saying "The apple does not fall far from the tree," and I can see that this is very true with you and your daughter.
I know how hard it is to have a child far away, but it just makes the times together that much sweeter, and what an amazing experience she and her partner will have in Peru.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I am so happy to have a new friend.
Hugs :)
I'm so glad she felt like she could come to you! :)
Beautiful young lady. Glad God sent the two of you to help so that she can grow and bless the lives of many children.
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